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Hello, I am Adam's wife, Amy and I will briefly introduce our family and our story.  March 6, 2019 was a normal Wednesday in the life of the Wilkens. Adam fulfilled his dream of owning a powerline company (AW Power) and worked out of town Monday-Thursday.  The evening of March 6, Adam and I spoke on the phone and looked over the itinerary for our 10 year anniversary trip. We hung up the phone that night with this message from Adam "I love you, I will see you tomorrow, I will be late but I want to make it to wrestling practice". On March 7, 2019, I received a call at 6 am stating Adam had passed away in his sleep.  It has been 369 days and still does not feel real. Adam was 36 at his time of death and a very healthy, active man. It has been discovered that Adam had a rare, genetic cardiac condition: Brugada syndrome. Brugada syndrome places individuals at higher risk of abnormal heart rhythms or fatal cardiac arrhythmias, which was deemed cause of death for Adam. Many people who have Brugada syndrome are undiagnosed because the condition often does not cause noticeable symptoms and can cause sudden cardiac death, which often occurs while sleeping.  Since the discovery of Adam’s diagnosis, Adam’s mother, sister, and older brother have also been diagnosed with the same gene variant that Adam carried.  Brugada syndrome is more common in males than females. In fact, men are 8 to 10 times more likely than women to have the condition. Therefore, our two sons will require close monitoring for their lifetime. 

Adam cannot be summed up in such a small amount of space but I often heard after he passed away that "he was larger than life". He lived his life to the fullest.  His infectious smile, personality, and love positively impacted so many and he is so deeply missed. His sons were his world and they have been blessed with Adam's wild spirit and gentle soul. I read a book recently that really spoke to me. The author (Harold Kushner) stated this: "Let me suggest that the bad things that happen to us in our lives do not have a meaning when they happen to us. They do not happen for any good reason which would cause us to accept them willingly. But we can give them a meaning. We can redeem these tragedies from senselessness by imposing meaning on them. The question we should be asking is not, "why did this happen to me? What did I do to deserve this? That is really an unanswerable, pointless question. A better question would be "now that this has happened to me, what am I going to do about it". 


Now that the unimaginable has happened, we are focused on honoring Adam the best we know how with the hopes that we can all come together and celebrate Adam with fun, friendship, laughter, and tears. 


Thank you for taking the time to visit our page and for your consideration in sponsoring events, donating items for silent auction, participating in the tournament, purchasing of merchandise, and your overall support while we navigate this unimaginable journey.

"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge."

-Psalm 91:4

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